Registration Form

Please fill out the form below to register and secure your spot at Bluestem U! A registration form is required for each class you plan to attend.

When just do it, doesn’t work!

Kevin Wilder

Location: 200 W Cedar, Hesston, KS

Schowalter Villa Life Center Chapel

· Thursdays – March 21, 28, April 4, 11 and 18.

· 10am-11:30am

Course Cost: $50

Performance psychology is the study of techniques to improve our ability to accomplish tasks. We all have a great variety of things to accomplish and there are some proven skills to help us. Kevin will focus on a different method each session – relaxation, visualization or imagery, self-talk, goal setting, concentration and will power. The class will be a blend of theory, discussion and practice.


Kevin Wilder, former Hesston College Psychology Professor and current Director of Fund advancement at Schowalter Villa will share with you about these insights.

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